Talon, Like the Claw: Raindance
The last song on the EP might be the most special to me. Of course, all the songs are special and release different feelings, but...
Talon, Like the Claw: Such Is Life
As mentioned in the Overview blog post, "Such Is Life" is what takes the mood of the EP on a bit of a downward slope. I hesitated...
Talon, Like the Claw: First Meeting
As you read this, think about who you are right now. This person sitting in front of their computer or mobile device. What has gotten you...
Talon, Like the Claw (Op. 1): Overview
When brainstorming what to call my first official music release, writer's block hit me like, well...a cement block. Hehehe, ironic that...
Melbourne (Part Two)
For the most part, living in Australia is not that different from living in the United States. Daily routines and general priorities are...